Monday, July 15, 2013

Bastille Day Party: July 14, 2013

Baby's First Bastille Day!
Gigi, Serafina & Eddie enjoyed the festivities of Bastille Day and Uncle Dre's Birthday party yesterday.
Vive La France!

Photos by: Uncle Matt DeClaire - THANK YOU!
We weren't able to stay for the canon firing, as the kiddo's couldn't hold off on nap time that long. Maybe next year! Great party Auntie Des. It was so nice to spend time with friends and adorable RP Little Ones (just ours are in these pics but it was quite a gathering of littles). 

All survived the signing for the new house last week and we have keys (This is how different we are from the last owners: the keys honestly have Ghost Flames on them. Yep.). 
We were certainly a spectacle at both the title company and later on the lawn of Burlingame City Hall for lunch and crawling time. But the car ride home was Quiet - there is hope yet for car trips as long as they are only during regularly scheduled nap times.

Updates are already chugging along at the new house and before we move in the face lift will be complete. It really wouldn't be a true Barbour home if we didn't make some changes.

More pics from First Birthday Weekend. Cake Smash!! Thanks to Sift Cupcakes for the cute tasty cakes. Babies first sugar (certainly not organic, but they lived) and last for a long time. 
We hear Uncle Clark has video of the smash. Maybe that will be coming soon .

 And one from their actual Birthday.


  1. omg just when I think they can't possibly get any cuter, you go and post the Bastille Day pictures! The five Barbours in front of the Eiffel tower will go up on my Paris wall.

    I was thinking of you when you went down to sign.. so glad it turned out so smoothly (if not effortlessly).

  2. I can't believe they area all standing in their cribs! so great!
